Peculiarities Of Pharmaceutical Profile’s Teachers Professional Activity At Higher Educational Establishment Of I-Ii Accreditation Levels


  • H. Kozachenko Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Ukraine



teacher of pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical education, formation of competencies, educational, scientific, methodical and educational activities of the teacher


The article deals with the peculiarities of pharmaceutical profile teachers’ professional activity at higher educational establishment of I-II levels of accreditation. There are defined the objectives of pharmaceutical education, key among which are, in particular, to ensure training quality of educated, competent, capable to make independent decisions professionals of modern pharmaceutical industry. It gives the information about educational institutions of Ukraine that train specialists of specialty 226"Pharmacy" at educational level "junior specialist" as of 2016. There have been allocated and described the basic functions of teaching such as training, methodological, and educational. There is also done the description of the main forms of training pharmacists. It is proved that the effectiveness of professional activity largely determines the teacher’s pedagogical competence, which is formed and developed in the course of practice.


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