Formation Of Readiness For Mobility Of Students And Teachers In The Conditions Of European Integration Of Educational Systems
international cooperation, mobility of students, mobility of professors, cooperation in near board region, common educational programsAbstract
Summary. The article presents some preconditions for the emergence and the realization of one of principles of the Bologna process – the principle of mobility. It specifies the possible inclusion of all participants of educational process to the dialogue of cultures with the aim of forming of system of spiritual, social, intellectual values like lucid benchmarks for future life in society. It indicates that the awareness of young people as personalities belonging to a particular linguistic and cultural community is made by initiation into the traditions and achievements of other cultures through the implementation of international educational projects and programmes. These activities will foster young people’s respect and tolerance of another way of life, cultural achievements and social achievements of other nations. The author analyzes the events that took place in Europe (Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Germany) in the 80-90-s of the last century. The prospects and conditions for ensuring the mobility of students and University teachers in modern conditions of European integration are discussed.
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