Formation And Purpose Development Of A Personality: Aspects Of Professional Self- Determination
professional self-determination, profile education, professional orientation of lyceum students, personal self-determination, self-realization, professional perspective, profession, speciality, values, critical thinking, creativity, gifts, interests, inclinations, capacityAbstract
The article is devoted to the problems of personal self-determination, professional orientation of students in educational space of the Lyceum-boarding school for gifted children. The attention is focused on the characteristics of profile education – the important first stage of professional self-determination and the education of the individual capable to self-learning throughout life. The main tasks of creating vocational spaces of the institution are determined. The author of the article states that the relevant space of self-determination is a combination of structural units of the Lyceum-boarding school, sharing common goals and resources to achieve them and a single control centre. It is proposed the description of teaching experience of ensuring the realization of creative potential of all participants of the educational process. The structure of the educational system of the Lyceum is shown.
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