The Peculiarities Of Social And Pedagogical Work With Gifted Personality


  • T. Kochubei Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини, м. Умань, Ukraine



talent, gifted children, social-pedagogical work, social adaptation, technologies of social work


In the article the issue of giftedness as a key problem in psycho-pedagogical and social studies of scholars and practitioners is analyzed; its legal and regulatory environment is defined. The content of the leading concepts of the problem is explained. The signs of giftedness and its main types are highlighted. The problems of social adaptation of intellectually gifted children are singled out. Psychological and pedagogical aspects and features of social and pedagogical work with gifted children and youth are investigated. The technologies of social work with talented individuals are outlined. Methodical techniques of social and educational activities with gifted children and youth aimed at their protection and support as well as reducing the negative effects of microsocium are presented.


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