Development Of Civic Competencies Of Primary School Teachers Means Of Innovative Technologies


  • O. Maidanyk Вінницький обласний комунальний гуманітарно-педагогічний коледж, м. Вінниця, Ukraine



civil competence, innovative technologies, interactive teaching methods, critical thinking, primary school teachers-to-be, skills, educational process, teachers’ training college


The article elucidates the importance of using innovative technologies in the process of forming civil competence of primary school teachers-to-be; emphasizes the necessity of using interactive teaching methods in the educational process of teachers’ training colleges; surveys pedagogical research on the problem; characterizes the notions of interactive methods and critical thinking; analyses the main tasks of the development of students’ critical thinking. The author affirms that forming civil competence of primary school teachers-to-be at teachers’ training colleges should be assisted by the use of cognitive and problem-searching tasks and comes to the well-grounded conclusion that the innovative approach to forming civil competence of primary school teachers-to-be at teachers’ training colleges is directed at their personal growth and their ability to gain new experience on the basis of purposeful development of critical thinking skills.


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