Innovative Forms Of Creative Development Of Future Professionals Of Culinary Profile In The Process Of Professional Training
creative potential, cook-confectioner, out-of-school and outside educational activity, vocational training, vocational schoolAbstract
The article substantiates influence of positive dynamics of development of culinary industry, improving service quality, expanding a range and number of institutions due to the requirements for regarding qualifications of experts cooking profile. Organizational forms of training applied during professional training are analyzed. The features of co-curricular and extracurricular forms of training future pastry chefs are distiguished. The article proves expediency of use of innovative forms, aimed at creative development of future professionals of culinary profile in the training process. In particular, attention is focused on such practice-oriented forms as master classes, festivals, competitions, clubs of the professional orientation, exhibitions. Description of the experience of carrying out mass actions of students in extracurricular activities by the Home technology in Lviv is proposed.
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