Аrtistic Creative Talents Of Future Teachers Fine Arts As Precondition Of Professional And Personal Self-Development
artistic and creative talent, professional and personal self-development, psychological and pedagogical conditions, self-realization, future teachers of fine artsAbstract
The article outlines the main tasks of higher pedagogical artistic education. The requirements to modern teachers of Art are defined. A theoretical analysis of the important problem of artistic and pedagogical education - professional and personal self-development of future teachers of fine arts - is carried out. The problem of self-development and formation of personality in philosophical, psychological-pedagogical and artistic context is considered. The authors define self-development as a way of personal self-realization, genetically inherent in person. They prove the value of artistic and creative talent of an individual as a necessary prerequisite of achieving a high level of self-development. The main psychological and pedagogical conditions conducive to the effective solution of this problem in the process of professional training of future teachers-artists are described.
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