Vykydydaktyka: Formation And Development In Education Professional


  • G. Onkovych Миколаївський інститут післядипломної педагогічної освіти, м. Миколаїв, Ukraine
  • A. Onkovych Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв, м. Київ, Ukraine




Wikipedia, medipedagogics, media education, mediadidactics, Wikididactics


Wikipedia is a global, free and multilingual Internet encyclopedia. The rapid process of its development continues around the world, leading to the emergence of new concepts, terms. The goal of Wikipedia is the access to knowledge. The development of the Ukrainian Wikipedia contributes to the promotion of scientific knowledge in the Ukrainian society and development of the Ukrainian language and culture. Wikipedia education program is an international program for the dissemination of the practice of writing articles in Wikipedia as a form of independent work of students or pupils at schools. The possibility of using Wikipedia is infinite, so we can predict the success of wikididactics as a new pedagogical branch.


Iliustruiemo Vikipediiu: Posibnyk z rozmishchennia kontentu u Vikiskhovyshchi. – 12 s. // https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%92%D1%96 %D0%BA% D1%96% D1% 81%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%89%D0%B5

Kodola V.I. Vikipediia v shkoli //Vid mediahramotnosti do mediakultury: stratehii, problemy, perspektyvy : tezy dopovidei Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi Internet-konferentsii (m. Mykolaiv, 27 kvitnia 2016 roku). – Mykolaiv : OIPPO, 2016. – 124 s. - S. 37-40.

Motorko, Vira. Yaki statti naiposhyrenishi u Vikipediiakh riznymy movamy: https://wikimediaukraine.wordpress.com/2017/02/17/yaki-statti-naiposhyrenishi-u-wikipediakh-riznymy-movamy/

Redahuiemo Vikipediiu: Posibnyk z polipshennia onliin-entsyklopedii // https:/upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/19/Editing_Wikipedia_brochure_UK.pdf

Sait «VIKIDYDAKTYKA» // https://www.facebook.com/groups/ 1796426670616724/

Sait «Vikimedia Ukraina»: http://ua.wikimedia.org

Sait «Vikipediia v shkolakh Ukrainy» https:// www.facebook.com/groups/495748843947287/?fref=ts

