Use Of Open Tasks At Different Stages Of The Lessons As A Means Of Developing Secondary School Students’ Creativity


  • V. Pavlenko Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Ukraine



kreatyvnaya literacy, kreatyvnaya imagination, kreatyvnoe thinking, creative building uchaschyhsya, development of creativity creativity


The article deals with the need to overcome reproductive learning style and the transition to the educational system that could provide full cognitive activity and independent thinking of students. It is explained the basic psychological conditions that promote creativity. It is defined the open type tasks as one of the means of the modern student creativity. The analysis of the concept "open tasks" is done. There are suggested major characteristic parameters and requirements for open tasks, mainly: the presence of the semantic context, problematic, uncertainty, availability, connection with specific subjects, integration. The personal qualities of creative people are analyzed: independence, high tolerance to unrecognized, developed aesthetic sense and others. It is noted that the development of creativity depends on the age and mental development of the students and teachers themselves.


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