E-Learning In The System Of Innovative Approaches To Improving The Efficiency Of The Educational Process In Physics


  • I. Slobodianiuk Барський гуманітарно-педагогічний коледж імені Михайла Грушевського, м. Бар, Ukraine




E-learning tools, the study of Physics, illustrated training material, Internet resources


The article is devoted to the use of e-learning tools in learning physics. The author analyzes a number of works of modern scientists in the field of pedagogy and physics. It is proved that the use of e-learning contributes to increasing interest and, consequently, enhances students’ learning effectiveness. It is clarified that the main task of e-learning is the transformation of information that is studied as visual, the absorption of which is much more interesting and productive. The classification of e-learning on various grounds is given. The use of certain e- learning tools in Physics lessons and their advantages are demonstrated.


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