The Content Of Teaching Russian Language In The Context Of Formation Of Professional Competence Of Foreign Graduate Students
methods of teaching foreign graduate students, learning content, professional competence, working programAbstract
In the article the problem of harmonious combination of the content of teaching the Russian language and professional interests of young scientists, foreign students of musical specialties is highlighted. The basic principles of the description of the Russian language for foreigners are determined. The characteristic of basic models of description of the language, in particular Samani description and onomasiological is proposed.
Approaches and principles of selection of learning content are characterized, examples and didactic material developed by the author for the work program are demonstrated. It is proved that the aim of the course the Russian language for foreign students is the formation of linguistic, speech, communicative and sociocultural competence by deepening linguistic knowledge and enhance of academic communication in the condition of training of specialists of higher category of music profile.
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