Topical Issues And Prospects Of Developing Professional Education In The Labour Market Conditions


  • S. Tkachuk Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини, м.Умань, Ukraine



professional education, training, labor market, European educational space, competence, competence approach, decentralization


The article deals with the topical issues and prospects of developing professional education. Its modernization on the European model is defined as one of the main directions of its reform with the aim of bringing higher education to common standards and criteria. The author justifies the idea that future specialists’ training is a pedagogical process of professional education, resulting in the formation of their willingness to work.

Competence is considered as a characteristic given to a person as the result of the evaluation of the effectiveness of their actions directed to the solution of a certain circle of tasks which are important for the community. The competence approach is described as leading in the system of professional education. Strategic approaches to the solution of vocational education problems and its role and place in the system of national education in the labour market conditions are defined.


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