Development Of The Professional Competence Of The Personnel Agencies Officials In The System Of Postgraduate Education


  • O. Trakaliyk Науково-методичний центр кадрової політики Міністерства оборони України, Ukraine



professional competence, development of the professional competence, personnel agencies officials


The article deals with the development of the professional competence of the personnel agencies officials of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AF) – the integral professional formation of the personnel agency specialists, which characterizes their professional preparedness, subject and professional ability, professional, psychological and subject readiness, required for the effective execution of their professional activity as actors of the personnel agency. It finds out the peculiarities of its development in other countries, peculiarities of specialists’ training organization and its contents.

Development of the professional competence is defined as the process and result of quantitative and qualitative changes of the personnel agencies officials in their practical thinking, feelings and behavior, and their result of becoming actors of professional activity in the personnel agencies of the Ukrainian AF. This development is a difficult pedagogical process, forward movement, i.e. progress, perfection, evolution, growth, development, their professional outlook.

It focuses on the necessity of formation of the clear hierarchy of the system of the professional training specialists for the Ukrainian AF personnel agencies.


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