Ukrainian Study Component Of Linguistic Disciplines
Ukrainoznavstvo, concenter «Ukraine – language», language education, language personality, mentality, cordocentrism, philosophy of the heart, Ukrainoznavstvo educationAbstract
The article analyzes the level of filling in Ukrainian study content of linguistic disciplines that are learned by students of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. The key aspects of training of students- philologists to the Ukrainian study work in the school are determined and the main directions of improving specialists’ language education are analysed. It is proved that the Ukrainian literary language is one of the key factors of gene pool of the nation, the defining constant in the development of Ukrainian studies in which is stored a world of poetic ideas, morality, ethics and the soul of the people. The author emphasizes that in the classroom the students not only receive linguistic education; their views, character, morals, interests are formed here, as the modern school needs not just teacher, but creative and artistic thinking teachers who would freely navigate the challenges of educational space.
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