Problems And Tasks Of Pedagogical Science Of Ukraine: Axiological Approach
personality, wisdom, lyudynotsentryzm, for Education, self, self-actualizationAbstract
The article substantiates the problem of transformation of human personality as the primary goal of the information technology activities of the educational system. The author carries out an analytical review of the modern paradigms of the educational system of contemporary Ukraine. The concepts of "identity" and"education"are analyzed. The article considers the concept of "oswell" as the direction of integrated cognition of the world, a way of creative search in resolution of contradictions between formal and informal education aimed at the development of the theory of educational activities, Itacolomi methodology, innovative ortechnology of module-developing education and mass socio-psychological experiment. The main stages of oswell development are defined. The author clarifies the value of self-improvement in the process of transformation of human personality. He substantiates the idea that self-education and self actualization are the major essential components of professional improvement of a specialist in any field.
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