Relevant Aspects Of Training Students Of "Law" Specialty In Humanitarian College
the learning process, the forms of studing process, lectures, practical, seminars, individual classes, counsultations, the education of law studentsAbstract
The article is devoted to important issues of organization of educational process of students of legal disciplines in humanitarian college. The author substantiates the necessity of innovative forms and methods of organization of learning process. There are two main aspects of the educational process. They are: the education as a systematic purposeful activity of the chairs (subject or cycle commissions) that provides the transmission of scientific knowledge to students, the formation of their personal qualities, and the process of learning as an academic activity of students. The goal of legal education is defined. It is in educating citizens in the spirit of respect for the law and human rights as well as unindifferent attitude toward violations of law and order. The main principles, forms and methods of legal education of future lawyers are outlined .
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