training of informatics teachers, digital transformation, computer literacy, digital technologies, interactive technologies, practical skills, qualification, creativity, innovationAbstract
Digital transformation has revolutionized the field of computer science, and as a result, education and student training in the field has also evolved. The article, based on the analysis of scientific literature and statistics, reflects the current trends in the training of future computer science teachers in the conditions of the digital transformation of education.
In the process of analysis, general trends in the training of future informatics teachers were revealed, such as computer literacy, use of interactive technologies, development of practical skills, and improvement of teachers' qualifications.
Particular attention was paid to the specifics of training future computer science teachers in the conditions of digital transformation of education, such as the use of online courses and webinars, the development of pedagogical skills in the use of the latest technologies, and the creation of a creative and innovative environment. The requirements for the competencies of future informatics teachers were analyzed, in particular, attention was paid to the need to possess not only technical knowledge, but also communication skills and the ability to adapt to new technologies and situations. The article highlights key concepts and practices that shape the preparation of future computer science teachers in the age of digital transformation, including interdisciplinary approaches, experiential learning, industry partnerships, and ethical considerations. The article also discusses the challenges and opportunities associated with these trends and provides recommendations for educators and institutions to effectively prepare students for the digital age.
Based on the analysis, it was concluded that the training of future informatics teachers needs constant updating and adaptation to the new requirements of the digital age. To achieve success in this field, it is necessary to use the latest technologies and innovative approaches to learning. Summarizing, the article proposes orientation to ensure access to quality education for all students, use of the latest technologies and development of general competencies of future teachers as important directions in the development of training of future informatics teachers.
The specified research results can be useful for teachers of higher educational institutions who are engaged in the training of future informatics teachers, as well as for heads of educational institutions who plan to introduce a digital environment and contribute to the development of digital transformation. For this, it is important not only to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills, but also to create conditions for their development of creative thinking and innovative activities. In addition, it is important to increase the level of motivation of students to study computer science, for example, by using the latest technologies and interactive teaching methods. These approaches will make it possible to prepare future informatics teachers who will be able to work successfully in the modern digital world and will contribute to the further development of digital transformation in education.
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