


higher technical educational institutions, professional training, prospective specialists of the engineering profile, value approach, personal values, professional value orientations


The article examines the structure of professional training of prospective engineers in higher technical educational institutions in the context of implementation of the value approach. The analysis of scientific views on the problem of the implementation of the value approach in the training of technical specialists proved the strengthening of the value orientation of the educational process. The article reveals the relevance of the search for educational paradigms focused on the training of highly qualified specialists in the technical sphere, bearers of national culture, and leaders of humanistic values.

We characterize modern trends in the education of technical specialists from the point of view of the formation of a professional and valuable attitude towards the engineering profession. The value approach is the basis of the training of prospective engineers, which is based on universal, national, cultural, and professional values. The essence, content, and structure of professional training of prospective engineers with the aim of forming professional value orientations are highlighted. Professional training of engineering specialists is considered as a process of integration of fundamental natural-scientific, humanitarian, and technical knowledge with the ability to carry out specific developments, ensuring their practical implementation in the production process.

Value-oriented training of prospective engineers in higher technical educational institutions acts as a tool for value transformations of the individual and a means of making relevant decisions. The professional and value orientations of the prospective engineering specialist, which are formed in the process of humanitarian, engineering-theoretical, technological, practical, managerial, scientific-research, economic, economic-legal, and environmental components of training, are substantiated. The article proves the effectiveness of the harmonious combination and development of the researched training components in order to prepare a universal educated specialist in the technical field, a highly moral, spiritually developed, active, conscious citizen of his state.


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