professional integrity, development, contextual methodology of development, officer, stages, methods, types of training sessionsAbstract
The article is dedicated to the theoretical analysis of the contextual methodology for the development of professional integrity of officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (hereinafter – officers) in advanced training courses. The author analyzes the scientific views on the concept of "methodology" and proposes the author's own definition of the concept of "methodology for developing professional integrity of officers". In particular, the author defines methodological approaches to the methodology of its development, as well as the main stages, purpose, tasks, content, methods, types of training sessions, and means.
The author reveals the following main stages of the methodology: diagnostic and motivational stage, which is aimed at determining the formation of professional integrity of officers before advanced training, clarifying the problems and difficulties they "face" in their professional activities, as well as developing values and positive motivation to develop their professional integrity and further self-development; theoretical and practical, which is targeted at the development of theoretical knowledge and improvement of practical skills and abilities of integrity behavior and activities of qualified officers, including through a special course by creative use of contextual active types of training in the system of their improvement; evaluation and result, which is aimed at determining the development of officers' professional integrity as a result of their professional growth.
The proposed methodology will contribute to the development of values and motivation, activation and deepening of theoretical knowledge, improvement of practical skills, abilities and capabilities of officers' integrity behavior and activities.
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