


independent work, independence, self-education, types of independent work, organization of independent work, professional formation, professional development


The article analyzes the essence of the concepts "independent work", "self-education", "independence" and their relationship and interdependence. The types of independent work in the process of educational and extracurricular activities are characterized. Approaches to their classification according to various criteria are presented. The organization of independent work in institutions of higher education is characterized, including its purpose, content, forms, methods, and conditions of effectiveness, which are determined. The higher school is gradually but steadily moving from the transfer of information to the management of educational and cognitive activities, the formation of the abilities and skills of independent work in the students of higher education. According to the Regulation on the Organization of the Educational Process in Higher Education Institutions, the independent work of students of higher education is the main means of mastering educational material in the time that is free from compulsory educational classes. The study time allocated for the independent work of higher education seekers is regulated by the curriculum and must be no less than 1/3 and no more than 2/3 of the total study time of students devoted to the study of specific disciplines.

The conditions-factors of the effectiveness of the organization of independent work of higher education seekers have been determined. They include: organizational (time management, educational literature and corresponding facilities); methodical (planning, teaching methods of acquiring information and managing the independent work); psychological and pedagogical (taking into account the individual psychological qualities and properties of the higher education seekers); information-technology (the degree of accessibility of new information systems, the level of computer literacy); organization of control and assessment (observance of systematicity and phasing in the organization and conduct of independent work). The results of a study among higher education applicants regarding the effectiveness of organizing independent work in universities are highlighted.


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