


blended learning, innovative learning methods, role competence, future social workers, communication effectiveness


The article highlights the problem of ensuring the training of future social workers for effective communication in conditions of blended learning. On the basis of the analysis of scientific sources and own research, approaches to understanding the concept of "role competence" have been revealed. The role competence of future social workers is defined as an integral characteristic of the personality of a specialist in the social sphere, which has such components as role variability, role flexibility, role depth and the ability to resolve role conflicts. It is noted that the development of these components is a condition for effective communication of students majoring in social work.

An empirical study is described, the purpose of which is to determine the components of the role competence of future social workers to promote the formation of effective communication in conditions of blended learning. Both the components of role competence and the strategies of their formation are considered, namely: eagerness for new experience and the ability of the person to perform various social roles.

The relationship between formal and informal roles connected with industrial, family, social, political, and friendly relations is revealed. It has been proven that success in each of them is a guarantee of overall success and satisfaction with one's life.

An important factor of adaptation and successfulness is the ability of an individual to perform various social roles.

A necessary condition for the role competence formation is interpersonal interaction because it is in the process of communication that a person gets information about role expectations, the compliance of their own patterns of behavior with certain social statuses and roles the person performs.

It is proved that in the conditions of blended learning, important factors in the development of students’ role competence are innovative teaching methods, such as trainings, situational exercises, and role-model games, which are used by teachers in the process of their professional training.


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