information literacy, content analysis, information competence, media educational approachAbstract
The article is devoted to one of the topical issues of our time – the formation of information literacy of senior pupils in the process of studying the Ukrainian language. The article uses theoretical and practical research methods to obtain reliable results. In particular, the content analysis method was used to review psychological and pedagogical scientific and methodological linguodidactic works and to identify different approaches to interpreting the essence of the concept of "information literacy" as a necessity within the framework of scientific research. A clear sequence of content analysis and its results are presented. The research vector is focused on the works of Ukrainian and foreign scholars who have already defined the term "information literacy" from different perspectives.
Based on the results of the analysis, the definition of the term "information literacy" is clarified, which allows expanding the terminological system of linguodidactics. On the basis of the analysis of scientific works and regulatory framework, a number of related terms that are related to the concept of "information literacy" are identified.
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