interdisciplinarity, interdisciplinary approach, disciplinary approach, higher education system, scientific research, scientific discourseAbstract
The article examines the degree of study of the interdisciplinary approach in foreign and Ukrainian scientific discourse based on the material of publications of the second half of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century. It is noted that the appearance of a large amount of research works is due to the complexity and multifaceted nature of the phenomenon.
The study traces the formation of the idea of interdisciplinarity, starting from the 70s of the XX century in the works of L. Apostel, H. Berger, M. Boisot, A. Briggs, P. Duguet, H. Heckhausen, E. Jantsch, J. T. Klein, J. Kockelmans, A. Lichnerowicz, G. Michaud, M. Nissani, J. Piaget and others. It was found that the first works focused on understanding the essence of the concept, searching for a comprehensive definition, developing classifications, distinguishing the advantages of an interdisciplinary approach compared to a disciplinary one, studying their connection and interdependence, predicting the future of the concept, etc. Attempts to present the application of the interdisciplinary approach in practice in the works of L. De Greef, G. Post, C. Vink, and L. Wenting were also considered.
In the research process, theoretical (analysis and synthesis, systematization, generalization of scientific literature) and comparative (comparison of different ideas and opinions on the problem) methods were applied. The conclusion states that the understanding of the interdisciplinary approach in the context of scientific research and the higher education system has intensified in the foreign scientific discourse. The scientists focused on the study of the theoretical dimension of the problem and the practical application of the acquired knowledge: the development of programs and projects to solve urgent scientific and educational issues. It is also noted that Ukrainian researchers, relying on the experience of foreign colleagues, are making attempts to develop models of application of the ideas of interdisciplinarity in the education system, and this contributes to the improvement of the domestic educational process.
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