Professional standard, reform, roadmap, competence, manager, implementationAbstract
In the article, the author analyzes the current state of the problem of implementation of the professional standard "Head (Director) of Preschool Education Institution", analyzes the current regulatory documents; conducts all-Ukrainian monitoring of the implementation of the Professional Standard in educational institutions, analyzes the directions of implementation at all levels. Priority forms and methods of implementation were identified. The components of the roadmap are designed, the main ways and directions of implementation of the Professional Standard in practice at different levels of education are outlined: state, regional, local, local (preschool education institution) and personal.
The tasks for the implementation of the Professional Standard for different target groups are defined: heads of preschool educational institutions, founders of preschool educational institutions, in-service training subjects, centers for professional development of pedagogical workers, professional communities of pedagogical workers, higher education institutions.
The results of the online training of regional trainers for 95 people from all regions of Ukraine are presented, including 21 teachers of preschool education departments of higher education institutions, 28 teachers of preschool education departments (laboratories) of postgraduate pedagogical education institutions, 22 specialists of professional development centers for pedagogical workers, 24 heads (directors) of preschool education institutions.
The article focuses on designing an individual professional development trajectory. All priority areas of activity are interconnected, forming a single through system, creating a continuous process. Effective solutions for the implementation of the professional standard "Head (Director) of Preschool Education Institution" are predicted. The approaches to the professional development of pedagogical workers in the process of implementing the professional standard "Head (Director) of Preschool Education Institution" are substantiated. The results of the training of preschool teachers according to the standard program for the implementation of the professional standard "Head (Director) of Preschool Education" are presented.
The experience of implementing the Professional Standard in different regions is presented. The further steps of the Professional Standard implementation are determined.
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