educational process, digitalization, of digitalization of educational management, digital technologies, management, management of educational activities of a higher education institutionAbstract
The article deals with the peculiarities of management digitalization of educational activities of a higher education institution. The author analyses key research and scientific publications related to preparation for professional activities, organization of educational and cognitive activities of participants in the educational process, management and development of theoretical and applied foundations of management of an educational institution. The practical application of software and digital technologies in the educational process and other aspects related to these issues are studied. It is noted that the solution to the problems of modernization of education begins with the professional training of teachers aimed at developing their skills to effectively manage the educational process. The author analyses the components that ensure the functioning of the process of digitalization of the management of educational activities of a higher education institution as a single cyclic system. The need to simplify and improve management functions, such as management, analysis, accounting, planning, forecasting, and continuous monitoring, is highlighted. The methods and principles that were applied in the process of implementing the model of digitalization of the management of educational activities of a higher education institution are described. The impact of digitalization on the management of educational activities in higher education institutions is considered. It is highlighted that the use of modern software tools and digitalization technologies leads to a complete transformation of the working conditions of all participants in the educational process. It is noted that the automation of various stages of information processes and management activities significantly increases the requirements for the quality and reliability of information, the variety of programmes, the spread of innovations and the democratization of the process of management, education, and training. It is proved that the introduction of a model of digitalization of the management of educational activities of a higher education institution forms the entire group of skills used by the head of the institution in professional activities. The main directions of improving the management of the educational process of a higher education institution are described. It is observed that digital technologies create effective conditions for self-realization and solving problems of training modern professional staff in accordance with the State standards. The research presented in the article is an important step in the study of the digital transformation of higher education and requires further research.
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