subject of project activity, initiation, implementation, examination, educational subsystemAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the development of the ability to initiate, implement and assess natural-environmental projects in the "student-student", "teacher-student" and "future bachelor of natural sciences – teacher-practitioner" subsystems. Based on the conducted self-analysis, clarifications were made to the theoretical foundations and a set of constructive ideas, which contain practical experience regarding the development of the ability of the subjects of the educational process to initiate natural-environmental projects. The influence of various factors on the process of development of this ability, in particular, psychological, sociocultural, and educational, was studied. Among them, increased attention is paid to the analysis of the subsystems "student-student", "teacher-student" and "future bachelor of natural sciences - teacher-practitioner" as the main prerequisites of formative influence on the process of developing the ability to initiate natural-environmental projects.
Emphasis is placed on the importance of developing the ability to initiate, implement, and assess natural-environmental projects in the subsystems "student-student", "teacher-student" and "future bachelor of natural sciences – teacher-practitioner". The prerequisites affecting the development of the ability of project self-realization in the system of professional training of future bachelors of natural sciences are highlighted.
It has been proven that modeling and designing in the process of project activity become effective technologies of practice-oriented learning, which create conditions for creative self-realization of students, and stimulate future specialists to innovative activities and provide for their professional development. In addition, the active implementation of project technology in the educational space of a higher education institution plays a key role in global competitiveness.
The results of the research can be used to improve the educational process and prepare students for effective participation in natural-environmental projects.
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