physical readiness, professional training, future officers, experiment, methodology, formation, experimental result, statisticsAbstract
The article presents the results of the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment and a statistical analysis of its results in terms of the formation of physical readiness of future officers for military and professional activities.
The analysis of feedback from graduates - officers of the Land Forces (hereinafter - AF) - revealed that 20% of the feedback contains information about the low level of physical fitness and readiness of young officers for military and professional activities. This necessitates more effective contextual approaches to the development of physical qualities and military-applied physical skills and combat abilities of future officers of the Land Forces (hereinafter - future officers) as subjects of military management.
It is found that an officer, as the main figure in the organization and conduct of hostilities, must meet the requirements of modern hybrid warfare. At the same time, its experience demonstrates that officers are required to have a high level of physical fitness and readiness for military and professional activities.
The methodology for conducting physical training with future officers has been improved, which should be carried out primarily taking into account the loads adequate to the conditions of their future combat activities and through its pedagogical modeling in accordance with the peculiarities of military and professional activities in combat conditions.
It has been experimentally determined that the methodology of physical training of the experimental group (hereinafter - EG) demonstrated effectiveness, which allowed to increase the level of their physical fitness in the power complex by 15.05%, while in the control group (hereinafter - CG) such an increase was only 3.1%. The functional state of future officers also changed positively. The level of the studied scales improved by an average of 15.6% in the EG, and by 7.2% in the CG. Improvements in the running complex were not so obvious and amounted to 2.7% in the EG and 1.5% in the CG. This may indicate that the improvement of speed (both on short and long distances) is very slow and requires more intense, intensive, specially directed work.
The results obtained during the experiment allow us to assert that the level of physical readiness of the EG is good and allows it to successfully perform the assigned combat tasks.
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