функції інформаційної культуриAbstract
The article deals with the place and importance of information culture in the acquisition of professional competence of future translators. The concept of «professional competence of a translator» is also revealed, and its structure is analyzed, indicating that in order to acquire all components of professional competence, a future specialist in the field of translation needs to master the ability to receive, systematize and use different bits of information, as well as to evaluate and determine its reliability and expediency in the context of professional activity, which requires him/her to have a high level of information culture.
In the process of writing the publication, we also analyzed different views of domestic and foreign researchers regarding the concept of «information culture» and given own definition of the term «translator's information culture». It was proved that information culture can be interpreted as a professional and personal characteristic, which includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the future translator to apply information and communication technologies in professional activities, as well as part of his professional culture, which means compliance with all norms and requirements (moral, legal, etc.) when working with information.
The formation of the information culture of a future specialist in the field of translation takes place in three stages: the first is designed to form an idea of the spectrum, content and operational forms of information processes and the basic skills of their implementation; the second is related to the acquisition of skills of effective application of all components of information technologies in translation activities; the third one consists in the formation of a system developed information culture of the individual. All these stages are interconnected and mutually dependent.
In addition, we named the main functions of information culture, among which cognitive, communicative, valuable, educational, creative, worldview and regulatory functions are distinguished.
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