system and hierarchy of motives, readiness for professional activity, personality as a self-determined entity, internal motivation, creative activityAbstract
The motivation component of readiness for professional activities in the applicants for higher pedagogical education is investigated. The relevance of the research stems from the fact that in the process of a teacher's professional activity, his/her motivation becomes an essential aspect of the specified activity. Therefore, one of the key problems of psychological and pedagogical science is connected with the study of the motivational sphere of the participants in the educational process as a leading factor in the effectiveness of educational activities. This, in turn, involves the study of realized motives involved in the formation of a personality, being a unique and free entity capable of self-determination as an important component of readiness for a certain activity. Readiness for pedagogical activity is understood as an integral formation of the personality, which consists in a focusing on pedagogical activity, arising on the basis of a positive attitude towards such activity and being conditioned by personality needs and sustainable motives, by awareness of the social significance of work, as well as by presence of professionally important and socially significant qualities, that ensure proper performance of professional duties. It was found that the motivation for the teacher's professional activity reveals a complex structure and hierarchy, and the teacher's activity is prompted by several motives forming a motivational complex that makes up a system or hierarchy of motives. In order to study the motives of future professional activity in the students of pedagogical specialties, a study of student motivation for obtaining higher education at Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University in 2021-2022 was conducted. It was determined that the motives that occupy the leading place in the professional activity of a future teacher are being constantly actualized, act and exert a significant motivational influence on human activity; these are real motives. Some other motives, located at the bottom of the hierarchy of motives, have little influence on human activity and are often not detected at all; these are potential motives that can be actualized under certain circumstances.
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