


universal and special educational concepts, modeling of the educational process, formation of value-deontological competences, future specialists of the IT industry


The article analyzes the basic educational concepts that will form the basis of modeling the professional training of IT specialists. The analysis of the leading educational concepts – personally oriented learning, educational development environment, practice-oriented learning clearly demonstrates their fundamental importance for the further modeling of the educational process of formation of value-deontological competences of future specialists in the IT industry. At the same time, we note that all these concepts have a universal (and general) character for pedagogical theory and practice, in particular for the field of professional training. Therefore, we believe that the purpose of our presentation is to single out a number of educational concepts that are of special importance for the professional training of IT specialists.

The Ukrainian and foreign practice of relevant research was analyzed, the definitions of educational concepts were interpreted and summarized. Our analysis made it possible to single out the following educational concepts - universal and special, which will serve as a theoretical and methodological basis for modeling the educational process of forming the value-deontological competences of future specialists in the IT industry.

Thus, the article points to the prospect of the selection of certain methods, techniques, technologies and forms of organization of educational activities aimed at the formation of axiological and deontological competences, which we consider factual as confirmation of the formation of future IT, precisely guided by the approaches and guidelines of the specified educational concepts - specialists of axiological culture and deontological type of thinking.


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