



literature teaching methodology, educational process in war conditions, methods, techniques, platforms for studying literature


The article considers the problem of implementing the methodology of teaching literature in institutions of higher education through the prism of socio-historical conditions, the choice of platforms, methods, techniques for teaching. The authors determined that the implementation of an effective, safe and interesting educational process and the training of creative teachers are among the main tasks facing us today. In addition to hard skills, the applicant must also possess so-called soft skills, navigate modern methodological trends and be interesting for students. The dominant problem that became the object of research is the description of today's challenges, the selection of methods, tools (applications) for the realization of the goal set in the name of scientific intelligence. The relevance of the study is absolutely determined by modern historical and social events and the demands of employers in the labor market. The article presents an analysis of applications that can help to competently organize the educational process, analyzes the most popular platforms for organizing classes for future teachers of literature MOOC platforms (Coursera, EdX, XuetangX, FutureLearn, Udacity, Canvas Network, Udemy, Khan Academy), Moodle, Zoom, Google Сassroom, Microsoft Teams, CiscoWeb EX, Padlet, Jamboard, Google Handouts, Trello, Flinga Whiteboard, Linoit, Canva ); emphasis is placed on the formats of classes and general forms of organization of the educational process in the conditions of martial law; The most recent methods and methods of studying the methodology of teaching literature in a higher education institution are described separately, among them: interactive class, virtual reality, use of artificial intelligence, blended learning, 3D printing, design thinking, project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, puzzle learning, flipped learning, peer-to-peer learning, virtual crossover, virtual reflection.


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