


online learning, virtual learning, extended learning, offline learning


The article describes the terms definitions "learning technologies", "mixed learning", "online learning", "virtual learning", "extended learning"; the modern technologies influence on the classes conduct and the information assimilation by students are analyzed; programs used during the educational process in Germany are researched. It is determined that Germany is one of the leading countries in the implementation of innovative modern technologies in the educational process.

Technical capabilities in the field of e-learning are constantly expanding and adapting, and that fact can lead to new concepts of learning. Modern learning technologies constantly enrich students, but blind trust in technological process creates new problems. Despite modern issues, the pandemic, the significant increase in the number of immigrants, Germany remains a country that does not completely neglect conventional methods of education. New learning technologies are more likely to be seen as complementary to existing and proven learning methods. A wide selection of study methods, that can be individually combined to form a full study plan, is ideal for students of higher educational establishments. All in all, the goal of the learning process is to teach students as quickly and deeply as possible.

It is established that Germany is actively introducing elements of virtual reality and artificial intelligence into the educational process, as they are extremely interesting for today’s youth. The possibilities of creating conditions for combining online and offline learning are being actively tested in order to achieve the highest results in training of highly qualified employees.

The development of learning environments and learning concepts with the digital educational media integration should solve educational problems with the help of using technical capabilities. The variety of software greatly facilitates communication and work with students, and therefore German lecturers actively use various applications and, as a result, involve students in active work and collaboration.


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