professional training, philologists, information technologies, pedagogical concept, foreign-language communication processes, modern information technologiesAbstract
The article substantiates the conceptual foundations of the problem of forming the professional competence of future philologists by means of modern information and communication technologies. Based on the analysis of the notion of the concept, its main features are defined (presence of a goal, a leading idea, the programmatic nature of the concept, prognostic essence). It has been proven that for the formation of the concept of professional training of future philologists by means of modern information and communication technologies, modern theoretical developments in the field of pedagogics are of great importance (the concept of “Language as unity”, the concept of “productive pedagogics” by M. Lipman, the pedagogics of multiliteracies, the concept of digitalization). The main characteristics of the pedagogical concept are defined as: subject relationships in the educational process; development of the educational environment of the institution of higher education and its external relations; development of a set of innovative pedagogical technologies of higher education institutions; development of the society of continuous education. The components of the concept of professional competence formation for future philologists by means of information and communication technologies are substantiated – relevance, purpose, contradictions, mechanism of implementation and assessment of the effectiveness of ICT in the pedagogical process. The leading idea of the research has been formulated: the formation of professional competence of future philologists (as specialists who implement native language and foreign language communicative processes in further professional activity) is determined by level, content, types and techniques of implementation of the resource of modern information technologies, combined into a complete scientific and methodological system, which is created, developed, and implemented in the informational educational environment of the higher education institution, taking into account the principles of its functioning in the post-postmodern society with the corresponding social order for a highly qualified specialist-philologist, and in the conditions of the crisis organization of the information space due to the risks and challenges of the last decade.
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