innovative technologies, foreign language, video materials, linguosociocultural competence, video communication, senior school learnersAbstract
The article, based on the analysis of the latest scientific research of modern education, reflects the experience of using video materials, the role of innovative technologies in the field of education, and significant attention is paid to the formation of linguosociocultural competence. The authors of the article argue that the innovative technologies of education today reach a new level of actualization and improvement of mastery, the study of certain fields and sciences, as well as the possibility of gaining experience in work with the improvement of already acquired skills in various spheres of activity.
The authors emphasize that modern programs provide an opportunity not only to promote the effective development and learning of a foreign language but also to monitor the performance of tasks, and to develop training exercises that are individually suitable for each learner.
The article determines the methods of improvement and preparation for the formation of linguosociocultural competence and the role of using video materials, which are selected for each learner, as well as methods of control over the performance of tasks and practices by intercultural communication.
When using various video materials in the field of education, there is an increase in motivation to learn a foreign language and the possibility of individualizing the educational process, which gives the results of quality education, a creative approach to optimal conditions for completing tasks, and gradual steps for learning a foreign language.
A separate component should be the pedagogical interaction between the teacher and the learner, which ensures the creation of optimal conditions for the free use of educational materials and teaching practices, and the exchange of experience between the teacher and the learner. Since the foreign language environment becomes an integral part of the life of every person who studies a foreign language, the importance of foreign language communication between representatives of other peoples and cultures should be noted.
The authors single out the ideas which deserve the implementation of video materials in the field of education, the study of the latest technologies that we receive every year, as well as the formation of liguosociocultural competence.
The article highlights the problems that may arise when using video materials in the educational process, educational materials and combining them into one whole database that is convenient for learners, as well as the implementation of the educational process taking into account the state of war in Ukraine.
The components of linguosociocultural competence, the stages of its formation in senior school learners, exercises that will contribute to its formation when using video materials are considered.
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