distance learning, blended learning, foreign language, student of higher education, martial law, information and communication technologies, independent workAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of distance and blended learning technologies in foreign language teaching under martial law. The essence of the concepts "distance learning" and "blended learning" is revealed. The modes of work in distance learning (synchronous and asynchronous) and the models of conducting classes in blended learning (rotation model, flex model, self-blend model and enriched virtual model) are described. It is emphasized that distance and blended learning, as new technologies, cannot be used constantly. It is advisable to introduce a flexible schedule of using distance and blended learning, taking into account the current situation in Ukraine. In addition, the article analyses the issue of optimizing interaction between teachers and students after Russia's invasion of Ukraine and introducing martial law, which is currently the main reason for the necessity of using distance or blended learning in all educational institutions of Ukraine. It is shown that the opportunities of distance and blended learning enable the student and the teacher to receive and share information, control students’ educational activities, establish contacts with colleagues, as well as additionally solve complex questions and problems that may arise in the learning process. The authors reveal the difficulties that arise in the educational process under martial law, analyze and justify the expediency and effectiveness of using different models of distance and blended learning in teaching foreign languages, taking into account the above-mentioned difficulties. It is proved that the most optimal models of blended learning for teaching foreign languages under martial law are the rotation model (a subtype "flipped classroom"), the flex model, and the self-blend model.
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