


Project-based Learning, Biology, Higher Education, Effectiveness, Soft Skills, Pedagogical Technologies for the Students of Podillia


The article explores the problem of the limited effectiveness of traditional teaching methods in biology within the context of modern educational environments for the students of Podillia. The research aims to determine the effectiveness of project-based learning as an alternative approach in teaching biology at the higher education level for the students of Podillia. The study involves an analysis of recent research and publications related to the identified problem. Research methods: theoretical (analysis and synthesis of literary sources, generalization and comparison of data, prediction of further actions) and empirical (observation, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical reflection). The research findings confirm that project-based learning facilitates active student participation, fosters the development of creative thinking, and enhances communicative, soft skills for the students of Podillia. The scientific novelty of this article lies in conducting a research that addresses the problem of insufficient effectiveness of traditional teaching methods in the context of modern educational environment for students in the Podillia region. Additionally, the article explores project-based learning as an alternative approach in teaching biology at the higher education level for Podillia students. Therefore, this article contributes significantly to the field of biological education by proposing a new approach to teaching biology at the higher education level, which can enhance the learning outcomes for students in the Podillia region. The conclusions of the study emphasize the significance of project-based learning in the context of teaching biology in higher education and suggest prospects for further research in this approach for the students of Podillia and other regions.


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