Implementation of the ideas of the Ukrainian mentality in the experience of the outstanding educator A.S. Makarenko




the main stages of life, pedagogical heritage, mentality, Ukrainian mentality, innovative ideas


The article analyzes the pedagogical heritage of the  outstanding  educator  A.S. Makarenko.  It  is noted that the  assessment of  pedagogical  theory  and practice of  A.S.  Makarenko covers  the spectrum of opinions from the founder of "Gulag pedagogy" to the pioneer and brilliant inventor of modern humanistic pedagogy, from a talented self-taught practitioner to the outstanding theoretician who was ahead of his time and whose ideas are still waiting for deep study and implementation.

The main stages of the life and pedagogical activity of A.S. Makarenko are determined, the periods of his professional development as a teacher-creator and innovator are highlighted. The anticipatory innovative nature of pedagogical theory and practice of a talented teacher is noted.

It was concluded that in the experience and personality of A.S. Makarenko vividly reflects the fundamental ideas that characterize the personality and mentality of a Ukrainian: the desire for learning and self-education; the high moral qualities of a Ukrainian as a citizen are formed; the priority of labor education, which involves love for Ukraine, for the native land, the desire to work on the land, increase its potential, develop agriculture, animal husbandry; the importance of aesthetic education, love for various types of art, etc. It is noted that the possible reason for not adopting the pedagogical system of A.S. Makarenko's official Soviet pedagogy was saturated with the ideas of the Ukrainian mentality.


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