Cultural adaptation in a foreign language environment




cultural adaptation, linguistic environment, folklore, music, literature, vocabulary, intercontinental relations, globalization


In today's world, where globalization permeates every aspect of life, learning foreign languages
goes beyond just mastering grammar and vocabulary. The perception of another language is
impossible without awareness and understanding of the cultural contexts in which it is implemented,
when it is not so much about learning, but about cultural adaptation, which allows the participants of
the educational process to immerse themselves in the socio-cultural sphere of another nation, revealing
its features through their own cultural dimensions.

The article examines an important aspect of foreign language learning – the process of learning
languages through cultural aspects such as folklore, music, and literature. It was found that these
elements of culture become bridges between languages, helping us to understand not only words and expressions, but also the spiritual aspect, social features, identity of another people. The process of
influence of these factors on thinking, perception of the world by the participants of the educational
process, who strive to achieve mutual understanding between cultures, was studied.

Learning foreign languages has always been a difficult but interesting adventure that opens new
opportunities for communication and understanding of other cultures. Now, in the era of globalization and intercontinental connections, language becomes not only a communication tool, but also a window into the world of different cultures. However, in order to achieve true proficiency in the use of foreign languages, one should understand not only grammar and vocabulary, but also the context in which the language lives. Accordingly, this article examines an important aspect of foreign language learning-sociocultural adaptation. Analyzes how learning foreign languages through cultural aspects such as folklore, music and literature can deepen our understanding of language and promote deeper and more natural communication with representatives of other cultures.


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