Modeling the adaptive system of professional training of future IT specialists as a means of forming professional competence




modelling, model, adaptive system, training of future IT specialists, professional competence


In the search for ways  to improve  the  system of  professional  training  of  future  specialists  under the conditions of active changes in society, a significant role, in our opinion, belongs to the idea of an adaptive approach. The modern  labor  market needs  IT  specialists  of  a new generation,  able  to  work in the conditions of  the information society, who can quickly adapt to  the constantly changing situation in the field of information technologies. However, in higher education,  the  specifics  of  new  IT professions and requirements for the content of their training are not considered during the training. Therefore, the higher education system faces the urgent task of improving the quality of professional training of future IT specialists. Scientific and theoretical generalizations of the psychological and pedagogical features of training IT specialists and the modeling method were chosen as  research methods.

A model of the adaptive system of professional training of future information technology specialists was designed, consisting of a set of four interrelated blocks that ensure its functioning: aim, conceptual-content, adaptive-technological, effective.  The  development  of  the  model  was  carried  out in 5 stages: selection of the format of the description of the  models;  goal  and  task  setting; determination of the specifics of the  professional  activity  of  IT  specialists,  selection  of  knowledge, skills, abilities, personal qualities that correspond to the competency model of the future specialist; selection of corresponding educational resources; management of the educational process. IDEF0 modeling methodology was used to fulfill the objectives of the research. The result of the considered process is an increase in the level of professional competence of  future  information  technology specialists. The proposed model can be used as  a  tool  for  researching  the  educational  process  in higher education institutions in order to improve the quality of professional training of  future information technology specialists.


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