Professional image of teaching employees institutions of professional higher education: categorical analysis of basic concepts of problems




image, pedagogical workers, professional-pedagogical image, vocational pre-higher education institution, professional image of pedagogical workers of vocational pre-higher education institutions, dress code, capsule wardrobe, teacher's image


The article deals with the problem of the professional image of teaching staff of institutions of vocational pre-higher education. The socio-cultural essence of the professional-pedagogical image, which has passed the way from its origin as a social phenomenon to the implementation of specific steps by the educational sector regarding the formation of the image of educators in the system of professional training, is outlined. Based on the analysis of state documents and theoretical sources on the researched topic, the interdisciplinary and special status of the problem of professional- pedagogical image was emphasized, which determined the need for a detailed analysis of the categorical apparatus of this issue. For a categorical analysis of the conceptual space of the above- mentioned problem, the "umbrella method" is proposed, the use of which is carried out according to the following algorithm: 1) selection and justification of the "umbrella concept" – the core concept that determines the general context of the research; 2) selection within the scope of the research problem of a complex of concepts that expand, deepen or clarify the content context of the research topic (basic, clarifying, auxiliary); 3) establishing, displaying and substantiating relationships for selected concepts based on the "umbrella" concept.

The basic categories of the problem under discussion ("image", "educators",  "professional- pedagogical image", "institution of vocational pre-higher education", "professional image of educators of institutions of vocational pr-higher education", "dress code", "capsule wardrobe", the educator’s image") are highlighted. Their place in the conceptual space of the  study  was  established  by determining the rank characteristics of each concept: superordinate (characteristics indicating the concepts of a higher rank), subordinate (characteristics indicating the concepts of a lower rank), coordinate (characteristics indicating the concepts of the same rank). The digital  application  Power Point was used for the graphic representation of the outlined system of "umbrella concepts" from a number of well-known ones (MS Word, Power Point, Paint 3D, Excel).

Based on the analysis of the basic categories and the generalization of their content characteristics, the author's concept of "professional image of an educator of institutions of vocational pre-higher education" was identified as "a complex of established internal and external characteristics (emotionally colored stereotype of the perception of the subject's image in the consciousness of a certain group, as well as in the mass consciousness; a kind of human toolkit that helps to build relationships with the surrounding world; not only a visual image, but also a way of thinking, actions, deeds, the ability to communicate; the art of speaking and, especially,  listening),  which  ensure  the inner harmony of the teacher, optimize interaction with the participants of the educational process , contribute to increasing the efficiency of the professional training of the  applicants,  activate  the personal and business qualities of the applicants for their professional and personal self-affirmation". Based on the generalization of the obtained results, the necessity of developing a model of the professional image of the educators of institutions of vocational pre-higher education, as well as expanding the arsenal of practice-oriented approaches to the formation of the professional image of pedagogical workers during their professional training, has been proven.


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