Social adaptation of social dormitories residents to independent living




social adaptation, social dormitory, independent living, orphans, children deprived of parental care, socialization


This article highlights the relevance of social adaptation of social dormitories residents to independent living. Attention is focused on the analysis of scientific research on this issue by various scholars.

The article notes that orphans and children deprived of parental care have mostly medium and low levels of social adaptation.

The article also describes their problems in  everyday  life,  conflict-free  communication,  education and further employment. The authors analyze the legislation on living in  social  dormitories  and describes the tasks of social dormitories.

It is noted that when leaving residential institutions, children should be ready for social life, choosing a profession, searching for a job, and in case of difficulties, assistance should be provided by specialists working in social dormitories.

It is emphasized that the forms and methods of work used by social workers in social dormitories should be clearly defined and contribute to the successful  process  of  social  adaptation  of  their residents. When working with this category of youth, it is also important to take into  account that orphans and children deprived of parental care may have special needs and problems related to discrimination and stigmatization, which can complicate the process of their social adaptation.

Social workers should perform tasks in accordance with the approved social adaptation program, as well as provide social services aimed at adapting young people to the social environment and acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities for independent living.

The article highlights the main forms of work with residents of social dormitories, namely: individual, group and community work. The main methods of providing social services for the social adaptation of social dormitories residents are: social and psychological support, social and legal assistance, assistance in education, employment and retraining, assistance in solving housing issues, assistance in self-service skills developing, work with biological family.


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