pedagogical conditions, biology teacher training, research activity, teaching biologyAbstract
Modern dynamic changes in all spheres of life, including education, necessitate updating and improving the training of future biology teachers. One of the priority areas of this training is the formation of research competencies that will allow them to work successfully in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School, introducing innovative teaching methods and technologies.
The article identifies and substantiates the pedagogical conditions for preparing future biology teachers to use research activities in teaching biology, namely Formation of a positive attitude towards research activities (creation of a favorable psychological climate in the educational process that promotes the development of interest in research activities). Implementation of STEM-oriented teaching technologies in professional disciplines in the educational process (this will ensure the formation of integrated knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for research activities in future teachers). Use of research-oriented learning in the process of teaching students (tasks are aimed at forming practical knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for further professional activity). Creation of conditions for independent research activities of future biology teachers. (provides future biology teachers with the opportunity to independently formulate research problems, develop research plans, conduct experiments, process and interpret research results). Development of a set of methodological recommendations for the formation of research skills in students (providing for the relationship between the educational material of professional disciplines and the requirements of professional activity, aimed at the systematic formation of research skills that meet the requirements of professional activity).
The implementation of a set of pedagogical conditions will contribute to the systematic and effective formation of research skills in future biology teachers, which will ensure their readiness for successful professional activity in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School.
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