teacher, students, leadership competencies, coach, coaching, coaching technologiesAbstract
Relevance. The time dictates the need to form leaders in educational institutions who have well-developed leadership skills, are able to quickly adapt to changing environmental conditions, are able to find effective solutions in any life and professional situations, etc. The key role in these processes belongs to the teacher, since it is teachers who have a significant impact on the personal and professional development of students, including the formation of their leadership competencies. Purpose. The purpose of this study is to identify the role of the teacher as a coach in the process of forming leadership competencies of students. Objectives. The achievement of the mentioned goal involves solving the following tasks: to analyze the approaches of scientists to coaching and coaching technologies in the formation of leadership competencies of students, to establish the role of the teacher as a coach in the formation of leadership competencies of students, to identify the skills and abilities necessary for teachers as coaches to develop leadership competencies in students. Results and conclusions. The article reveals the influence of teachers on the development of leadership competencies in students, analyzes the approaches of scientists to understanding the concept of "coaching", identifies the qualities, skills and abilities necessary for teachers to develop leadership competencies in students. It has been found that the level of development of the teacher’s leadership qualities and competencies has a direct impact on the development of leadership competencies in students. It has been established that coaching and coaching technologies play an important role in the educational process and in the formation of future leaders, and teachers as coaches should provide the necessary conditions for the disclosure of the leadership potential of students.
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