


brand, branding, ethnostyle, ethnodesign, ethnobrand, Ukrainian ethnobrand


Today, it is clear that the traditional image of the regions of Ukraine needs to be updated, modernized and professionally branded. And the modern design education of Ukraine should contribute to solving this issue. This study proves the importance of developing Ukrainian brands and the need to introduce the discipline "Ethnobrand" into the educational process of the future designers. It is proved that this discipline combines components that are incompatible in content and essence at first glance, but they are extremely necessary for training future design professionals to use ethnodesign in their professional activities. This discipline involves creative continuous acquisition of knowledge, namely: the study of ethnodesign, new and traditional technologies, management, branding; the main purpose of the discipline is not only to prepare future design professionals to apply ethnodesign in their professional activities, but also to create their own ethnobrand during their studies. Students learn to present and distribute their work to consumers, which is an extremely important issue for graduates and beginners in creative professions. After all, it is the oversaturation of the market with goods, high competition, and the problem of plagiarism in the age of modern technologies and communications that is the most pressing and relevant in today's market economy and devalues real professionals who, without the necessary knowledge and skills, lose opportunities to sell their products. Therefore, design education is faced with the issue of not only training highly qualified specialists, but also teaching them the ability to work in the field in a highly competitive environment, skillfully present and sell their products.

The essence of the discipline is not only to teach future professionals the ability to compete for consumers among competitors, but also the ability to evoke positive emotions towards the ethnic heritage of our ancestors, using the entire arsenal of the cultural heritage of their people. Future design professionals will have the opportunity to learn how to present and popularize ethnic design created with their own hands. This discipline is a kind of educational project with the main goal to give birth to Ukrainian ethnic brands within the walls of an educational institution.

In addition, it was discovered and proved that an ethnobrand is a kind of brand that produces and promotes high-quality, environmentally friendly, modern products in ethnic style.

The concept of "brand" is identified as "a high-quality trademark that stands out among competitive trademarks with its advantages and services, and evokes certain images, associations and traditions in the consumer, where the design of the product is developed in a certain style that distinguishes it from other brands in the market, and with the help of packaging, graphic signs, logos and multimedia technologies, provides an opportunity to become recognizable".


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