digitalization, electronicization, computerization, informatizationAbstract
The article is devoted to issues of the development of digitalization in modern conditions. Digitization has become a key driver of social development in recent years, transforming various aspects of our daily lives. From communications and entertainment to education and healthcare, the impact of digitization can be seen everywhere. Historically, the roots of digitization can be traced back to the development of computers and the Internet in the mid-20th century. The topic of the historical development of digitalization is extremely relevant in today's world for several reasons. It helps to better understand how technological innovations have shaped modern society, as well as predict future trends and challenges. The purpose of the article is to analyze the main historical stages of the development of digitalization of modern society. The methodological basis of the research is scientific-empirical methods, namely the collection and comparison of information, complex methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization, and the theoretical basis is the scientific works of domestic scientists, as well as the legislative base. It was determined that the development of digitalization in modern society was shaped by a number of historical milestones and technological achievements. It noted that from the early days of computing and information theory to the current era of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, digitalization has profoundly affected every aspect of human life, leading to better connectivity, efficiency and new opportunities for the future. Successful digital transformation can create new opportunities for development, improve the quality of life and ensure the sustainable development of society. Digitization has had a special impact on the development of education in various countries, and also in Ukraine. It allows you to personalize educational processes, develop new forms of interactive learning, promotes cooperation and communication, and improves the management of educational institutions. The successful integration of digital technologies into education opens up new opportunities for learning and professional development, preparing students for the challenges of the modern world.
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