



onomastics, program, lesson, teaching, forms and methods of studying proper names, research, tasks, skills, abilities


The article presents the peculiarities of studying onomastics in the school course of the Ukrainian language and literature, in particular its interdisciplinary orientation, its important role in the formation of key competencies of students, as well as high educational potential.

The problem of incorporating onomastic material into basic and additional language and literary education has attracted the attention of methodologists, but the forms and methods of learning proper names that contribute to the growth of students' language culture, develop their oral and written speech, and creative imagination require a thorough systematisation.

The article describes the stages of work in Ukrainian language lessons with proper names and their meanings, categories, etymology. In particular, the methodology of studying such major layers of onomastic vocabulary as anthroponyms and toponyms is analysed. The technology of using the research method, which forms various aspects of students' creative activity and ensures efficiency in learning, is outlined.

Considerable attention is paid to the study of literary onomastics, namely, the functioning of poetonyms in works of various genres. The characteristic and linguistic and stylistic potential of names used in folklore texts, poetry, prose and drama is determined. The semantic load of onyms that serve as the title of a work of fiction is also substantiated.

The study of onomastics in secondary education institutions convinces that this linguistic and poetic field contributes to a more concise achievement of the educational and upbringing tasks set for the teacher, since the implementation of the socio-cultural content line is possible only if students are introduced to the national cultural fund, studying onomastic markers of the linguistic and literary treasury.

The study outlines further aspects of studying onomastic material in the school course of the Ukrainian language and literature, development of modern forms of methodological work of a teacher of language.


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