block, leadership competence, future officer, model, pedagogical modeling, formationAbstract
The article proposes a pedagogical model for the leadership competence formation of future officers – specialists in physical culture and sports (hereinafter – FOsSPCS) in the process of professional and pedagogical training in a higher military educational institution.
The scientific approaches to the definition of the concepts of "model" and "pedagogical modeling" are studied. The pedagogical model of leadership competence formation of FOsSPCS in the process of professional and pedagogical training in higher education institutions is designed and the content of its blocks is described: the purpose and tasks, methodological approaches and principles, components and functions, methods and means of educational activities, criteria and levels of diagnosing its formation. All blocks of the pedagogical model are important and only in the system they ensure the optimal formation of leadership competence of IPES in the process of professional and pedagogical training in higher education institutions. This model consists of six interrelated blocks:
target (reflects the goal and tasks of leadership competence formation of FOsSPCS in the process of professional and pedagogical training in higher education institutions, considering their professional knowledge, skills, abilities and capabilities in the chosen specialty, values and patriotism);
methodological (explains the problem of leadership competence formation, taking into account the requirements of methodological approaches (axiological, competence, contextual, systemic, subject-activity) and principles of learning (accessibility of educational material, principle of individual approach, principle of contextual orientation, systematic and consistent, subject-subject interaction));
theoretical and functional (contains the content of their leadership competence as future specialists in physical culture and sports and important functions for its formation);
subject-subject (involves bilateral cooperation between the teacher and the FOsSPCS and readiness to perceive each other as a subject of leadership and behavior);
organizational and methodological (contains methods, techniques, technologies and means of leadership competence development of FOsSPCS in the process of professional and pedagogical training in higher education institutions);
diagnostic and resultative (diagnoses the leadership competence of the FOsSPCS according to the criteria and indicators we have defined and determines the levels of its formation).
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