state standard of education, vocational education program, vocational education, practice-oriented tasks, subject competencies, structural-functional model, professional pre-higher educationAbstract
The article highlights relevant aspects of training future teachers of physics in institutions of professional pre-higher education, vocational education and modelling of practice-oriented tasks. The authors justified the importance of modernizing the content of relevant programmes of the "Physics" discipline, considering the profession of students at professional colleges and lyceums. It is noted that studying physics contributes to the formation of subject competencies of students, the ability to analyse, systematize, generalize information, overcome difficulties of adaptation to professional activity. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, the target, content, operational-activity, diagnostic-resultative blocks of the structural-functional model of training future teachers for teaching physics in institutions of professional pre-higher education and vocational education were selected. The target block is based on the socio-economic demand of society for qualified specialists. The content block contains pedagogical, psychological, methodical, and technological knowledge. Gnostic (research), design, organizational, and communication skills are highlighted in the structure of the operational-activity block. The diagnostic-resultative block will help the physics teacher to make corrections in the process of professional training of college students and vocational-technical lyceums.
The importance of practice-oriented tasks in the process of learning physics for students of professional higher education and professional and technical education is indicated. Differences between practice-oriented tasks and other physical tasks are determined. The structure (name of the task, individually meaningful cognitive question, information, task involving work with information) and the algorithm of preparation for creating tasks of practical content in physics are presented.
The methodology of teaching simulation of practice-oriented tasks in the process of studying the educational component "Methodology of teaching physics in a specialized school" is illustrated.
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