institutions of higher technical education, professional training, prospective engineers of engineering profile, competency-based approach in education, professional competence, scientific-research competenceAbstract
The article examines the issue of forming scientific-research competencies in prospective engineers as a component of the general professional competence of a prospective specialist of a technical sphere. The implementation of a competency-based approach is determined by the conceptual vector of modernizing the training of engineering specialists for their effective activity in industrial production at the level of world standards.
Based on the analysis of the experience of training specialists in the technical field, the features and purpose of professional training of prospective engineers in institutions of higher technical education are established. The professional competence of a prospective specialist in the technical field is characterized by a creative thinking, scientific-research skills, initiative in solving production tasks, the ability to organize teamwork, and a conscious understanding of personal responsibility for work results.
The humanitarian, engineering, project-technological, managerial, informational, scientific-research, economic, legal-economic, and ecological components of the professional competence of a prospective engineer are substantiated, which determine the professionalism of a modern specialist in the industry.
Scientific-research competence is singled out as an important component of the professional competence of a specialist in the technical field. Scientific-research competence is defined as an integrated quality of the personality of a prospective engineer capable of purposeful scientific-research activity in the field of industrial production based on formed knowledge, skills, experience, and a valuable attitude towards the profession, colleagues, and state natural resources.
The target, motivational, cognitive, activity, and reflexive aspects of the scientific-research competence of a prospective specialist in the technical field are characterized. The effectiveness of forming the scientific-research competence of prospective engineers is proved in order to prepare highly qualified technical specialists in institutions of higher technical education.
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