



bilingual education, formal education, non-formal education, informal education (self-education)


In this article a combination of various forms of organization of the educational process during the wartime was described. In the article the definition of concepts bilingual, formal, non-formal, informal education were given.

The aim of the article was popularization and dissemination of the experience of organizing the combined forms of education during the wartime.

It was indicated that in addition to adaptation problems during the wartime, the students faced a number of problems related to their studies because of different reasons.

Many students, whose level of proficiency in a foreign language (English) allowed them to study within the framework of non-formal education in other countries, began to do so in order to fill the gaps that arose as a result of missed material due to objective reasons in their main educational institution.

There was a spontaneous fusion of bilingual, formal, informal and non-formal education, caused by objective reasons that appeared among Ukrainian students as a result of russian aggression in Ukraine.

In the article the Regulations on Recognition of learning outcomes obtained through non-formal and/or informal education, which defines the general requirements for the procedures for recognition of learning outcomes obtained through non-formal and/or informal education were described.

It was established that Regulations were adopted on time and gave the opportunity to combine formal, non-formal and informal education to students who, due to problems with adaptation, relocation, lack of electricity, long-term air alarms, missed a large amount of educational material to fill the gaps through non-formal and informal education.

It was concluded that the combination of various forms of organization of the educational process (formal, non-formal, informal based on bilingual education) in emergency periods of the country's life will contribute to the continuous and complete education of a student. Providing the opportunity to combine formal, non-formal and informal education will also encourage students to get an education by forming an individual educational trajectory.


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